Saturday, February 16, 2008

40 X 365: 13. Flea Markets!

13. Flea Markets!

Corn on a stick? Check! Fat people in tight ass shorts? Check! A bin of doll heads? Check! Flea markets are pure Americana: antiques, costume jewelry, weird collectables and fried foods. Or, to sum it up in one word: heaven.

You mean, you are looking for a gently used stuffed monkey, hedgehog and duck? Well, my friend, you've come to the right place!


Alix said...

A slice of America I need to experience!

Anonymous said...

Tina's Dad embarrassing her while bartering for some useless item from your picture? Check.

Tina, am I remembering your Dad's habits correctly?


Anonymous said...


Your memory is accurate. If you wanted, you could add in that every subsequent visit to the flea market would involve a reminder about that one time I didn't barter and thus paid $2 too much. You know, because I'm made of money.
