Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Women's Locker Room: Vortex of Crazy

For the second day in a row there has been a woman in her mid fifties just sitting in the locker room for over an hour doing nothing. Both yesterday and today, she was there when I came in, and she was there when I left in the exact same position. Yesterday, she was in her underwear, eyes closed, headphones on, chin resting on chest, just sitting there. I almost went up to her yesterday to see if she was alright (ie. alive). But she was perched on a stool, and I figured if she was dead or unconscious, she would probably fall over. Today she was sitting on the couch in her swimsuit. Eyes closed, headphones on. She was there from the moment I got there to the time I left, doing the exact same thing. Here are some ideas I've been tossing around regarding what she might possibly be doing (not in order of likeliest).

1. Embracing an out of body experience
2. Strengthening her core
3. Trying to remember her locker combination
4. Communing with the dead
5. Getting the Led out
6. Conducting a sit in to protest her monthly fee
7. Air drying
8. Listening to self hypnosis tapes
9. Meditating
10. Writing the great American novel in her head
11. Practicing telepathy with her hubby in the men's locker room
12. Making everyone around her uncomfortable

It had been awhile since I went to the gym, so I am eager to see if this behavior continues (both the lady sitting without clothes for hours and my continued pursuit of health and fitness. Given her demonstrated commitment and dedication to whatever she is doing, I suggest placing money on her.).


Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone told her that if she motivated to at least get to the gym, she'd also feel like working out once she got there... She must be having a hard time with the second part of that sentence.

Anonymous said...

Can't breath for laughing. You must keep us posted on the locker room lady. It's a bit like Seinfeld episode.
Sounds better than Mexican locker rooms where women used to shave, naked, I mean WTF????