Monday, January 28, 2008

Lists (the first of many)

I am intimidated by the blankness of this blog, so I am going to make my first entry a series of lists. I realize that may not be the most interesting thing to read, but I need to just get something down. So. There.

T.V. shows I am enjoying watching and would recommend to someone I am trying to impress:
1. American Gladiators.
2. House, M.D.
3. How to look good naked.
4. Two and a Half Men.
5. Arrested Development.
6. Flight of the Conchords.
7. Curb Your Enthusiasm.
8. The Office.
9. 30 Rock.
10. Rock of Love.
11. Rob and Big.
12. Celebrity Rehab.

Things I think about while I am swimming.

1. The lyrics to whatever song was playing on the radio before I went under.
2. The lyrics to the song that has been stuck in my head all week.
3. What I am going to eat when I am done.
4. How I am going to initiate a conversation with a boy I like.
5. Witty anecdotes I can tell said boy.
6. Whether or not the lifeguard can tell that my swimsuit is creeping up my cheeks.
7. Whether or not I can finish my set without breaking to go to the bathroom.
8. Whether or not I could pee while I was swimming.
9. Whether or not anyone would notice if I did pee while I was swimming.
10. How many other people have peed in this pool.
11. All this thinking about peeing is making me have to pee more.
12. How I can't wait to have a newborn baby and take it to swim classes.
13. What my baby's name will be.
14. What my baby will look like.
15. What genes of mine I want my baby to have.
16. What genes of mine I do not want my baby to have.
17. So on and so forth.

Names people give children that I don't understand unless they are family names and even then, I'm not so sure.
1. Madison (I know it is popular, but I just don't get it)
2. Shamus
3. Plaxico
4. Audio Science
5. Siobhan (mostly because I have no idea how it is pronounced)
6. Any number.
7. Vondra (it is like a combination of names that confuses my brain)
8. Wyatt
9. White people named Jesus (are there any?)
10. Guy


Bend Bow Shoot Tiger said...
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Bend Bow Shoot Tiger said...

Audio Science is a fantastic name! Say it out loud; I think you'll come around. If I ever have a kid, I'll name it using words that aren't names too. I can only hope to come up with something as good as Audio Science...

Anonymous said...

Wow! A new blog, and early on, 1/3 of the posts involve sports (Plaxico Burress and swimming in the same post, no less!). I think I'll be frequenting yourSpace more often.
